the Effective Factors of Renewable Energy Development in Tehran Metropolis

14 Dec 2022

To prepare for the urban development of 2.5 billion people by 2050, the development of low-carbon, resilient, and liveable urban settlements is crucial. Not only do metropolises contribute to global climate change by rapidly emitting and increasing emissions but they themselves are very fragile and vulnerable to these changes. T

  • he purpose of this study is to optimize a model for the development of renewable energies in Tehran City and its application in different sectors to achieve sustainability. The research method is accor
  • ding to the type of the applied-developmental study. Inform
  • ation is based on documentation and field methods. Data were collected using a questionnaire from 76 experts and analysed using
  • MICMAC software. The results indicate the fact that the use of public and specific stimuli and incentives for electricity produ
  • cers to use renewable energy will accelerate the development of renewable energ
  • y at the urban level. In order to improve the exis
  • ting situation, the unsustainable model can be offered to change the situ
  • ation in favour of the use of new energy at the regional level. Based on the research results, in general, patterns of deployment a
  • nd development of renewable energies are grouped into five main groups: th
  • e use of financial instruments, the use of legal instruments, the development of technology, education and awareness-raising that urban sustainability in the energy sector can be considered based on these four pillars.

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